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Network Penetration Testing

Network Penetration Testing

IT pen tests are done on the physical hardware and software of the company workflow to ensure that the computers and software are well protected from cyber threats. However, Network penetration tests are equally important and need to be done on the network strength and aspects that support the IT infrastructure.

The IT infrastructure needs the network infrastructure to work properly. The network is by which the company workforce interacts internally and externally. Therefore, sometimes, it is more important to protect the network nodes and access points first. Network security is checked and ensured with network penetration tests at multiple levels.

If the network security is not completely secure and in place, then cyber threats can also enter the systems and compromise the security of your company. With our testing experts, you can conduct thorough tests on the network’s strength and security so that you can use the network without worries or latent issues.

In the network penetration tests, we use our test cases to simulate cyberattacks so that the existing vulnerabilities are easily highlighted. Once we bring out the vulnerabilities in the network, we also work in the back end to fix the latent issues with our cyber security experts so that your company does not compromise its network or sensitive information. At JAC Networks Inc., we take care of even the tiniest of flaws in your infrastructure to protect your workflow.

In the network penetration tests, we use our test cases to simulate cyberattacks so that the existing vulnerabilities are easily highlighted. Once we bring out the vulnerabilities in the network, we also work in the back end to fix the latent issues with our cyber security experts so that your company does not compromise its network or sensitive information. At JAC Networks Inc., we take care of even the tiniest of flaws in your infrastructure to protect your workflow.

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